Making Web Services Accessible With Universal Design

Cynthia Ng
January 22, 2015

What is Web Accessibility?

Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web.

- W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative. (2005). What is Web Accessibility. Introduction to Web Accessibility.

Types of Disabilities

  • visual
  • auditory
  • physical/motor
  • touch
  • learning

Why Should You Care?

icon of 10 people, one of which is coloured in Statistics Canada. 2013. Statistics Canada on Twitter. Approximate number based on: World Bank. 2012. Population ages 15-64 (% of total).

Disability > Minority*

* Based on 2006 Canadian census percentage of total population ages 15-64 with a disability, and the percentage of total population ages 15-64 of minorities.

Policy & Legislation

Federal Departments & Ontario: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Lack of statutes or federal laws should not exempt [us] from providing equivalent access to all; it should drive [us] toward it.

- Camilla Fulton

Fulton, C. (2011). Web Accessibility, Libraries, and the Law. Information Technology and Libraries..

Getting Buy-in screenshot
[It is] well known among web developers that websites that are accessible are also much more usable for everyone.

- Mohammad Eyadat and Jeff Lew

Eyadat, M., & Lew, J. (2011). Web Accessibility Factor a Key Focus for Serving Students. Review of Business Research, 11(2), 80.


  • reflect institutional mission, leadership, and values
  • serve all users
  • make sound fiscal policy
  • add value to the institution
Sources: Maler, A. (2013). The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Universal Design. UX Booth. and Rowland, C., Mariger, H., Siegel, P. M., & Whiting, J. (2010). Universal Design for the Digital Environment: Transforming the Institution. EDUCAUSE Review*, 45(6).

Benefits Simplified

  • findable
  • accessible
  • usable
  • shareable
  • efficient
  • collaborative

Approach to Accessibility

Avoid the peanut butter approach.

- Sarah Horton & Whitney Quesenbery

Horton, S. & Quesenbery, W. (2014). A Web for Everyone: Designing Accessible User Experiences. Rosenfeld Media.
It just won't work to build a complete system and then, in the final stages of development, spread the interface over it like peanut butter.

- Clayton Lewis & John Rieman

Lewis, C. & Rieman, J. (1994). Task-Centered User Interface Design: A Practical Introduction.
squirrel with its head in a peanut butter jar shrosa814. (2010). Tale of Squirrel and Peanut Butter. With Permission from Owner.
Accessibility often gets pigeon-holed as simply making sure there are no barriers to access for screen readers or other assistive technology, without regard to usability.

- Whitney Quesenbery @whitneyq

Quesenbery, W. (2009). Usable Accessibility: Making Web Sites Work Well for People with Disabilities. UX Matters.

Designing for Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology

  • screen readers
  • text-to-speech
  • screen magnifiers
  • joysticks
  • mobile devices
  • keyboards
All Technology is Assistive Technology.

- Sara Hendren @ablerism

Hendron, S. (2013). All Technology is Assistive Technology: 6 dispositions for designers on disability.
table with over 30 android devices animoca. (2012). All the Myriad Androids. CC-BY-ND 3.0
Move away from the approach of building separately for disabled users, and concern yourself with creating clean, beautiful, usable, and accessible websites.

- Debra Riley-Huff

Riley-Huff, D. A. (2012). Web Accessibility and Universal Design. Library Technology Reports, 48(7), 29.
There is no average or normal user.

- Sara Hendren @ablerism

Hendron, S. (2013). All Technology is Assistive Technology: 6 dispositions for designers on disability.

Universal Design

Universal design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.

- Ron Mace

Mace, R. (1998). Universal design in housing. Assistive Technology, 10(1), 21-28.
7 principles of universal design The Center for Universal Design. The Principles of Universal Design, Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.

Universal Design Summarized

  • equitable
  • flexible
  • simple
  • intuitive
  • low effort
  • approachable
  • usable
example wheelchair ramp marziarh. (2012). Robson Square. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Universal Design for the Web

WCAG Universal Design Examples

  • each page should have a title
  • have consistent navigation
  • have a meaningful order to content
  • provide multiple ways to discover content
  • captions or transcript of audio/video

Universal Web Design Summarized

  • solid
  • clear
  • helpful
  • usable
  • accessible
  • easy to understand
  • designed with people in mind first

Universal Design in Practice

Fangs emulator screenshot
budgie on keyboard MichaelFitz. (2008). Computer Budgie II.
greyscale version of website Greyscale image using
cat pressing buttons on cellphone tehchix0r. (2012). Texting (Project 365: 242/365). CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


  • technological variety
  • user diversity
  • bridging the knowledge gap
Shneiderman, B., & Hochheiser, H. (2001). Universal usability as a stimulus to advanced interface design. Behaviour & Information Technology, 20(5), 367-376. doi:10.1080/01449290110083602

Ask Your Users


screenshot of example personas University of Washington Libraries. (2008). UW Libraries Personas.

Content Inventory

screenshot of content inventory spreadsheet

Card Sort

picture of sticky notes

Task Analysis

picture of whiteboard with writing and screenshots Reidsma, M. (2013). Slide 38. Websites are for People. CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Developing Your Service

picture of paper mockup


Mobile First

Mobile forces you to focus.

- Luke Wroblewski @lukew

Wroblewski, L. (2009). Mobile First.

Progessive Enhancement

Worry about the less capable first.

- @Swwweet

Usobiaga, J. (2013). Slide 37. Mobile First: As difficult as doing things right.
Progressive Enhancement moves almost all of our dev time and costs to newer browsers, not older ones.

- @scottjehl

Jehl, S. (2014). Friday, 7 March 2014. The Pastry Box Project.
[Over 50% of mobile users] will wait only five seconds or less for a mobile site to load.
Compuware Corporation. (2011). The new (or only) way to connect with customers.

Responsive Design

website at three different sizes

Good Practices

Some “Special” Considerations

Keyboard Accessibility

search field with outline

Skip Links

<a class="hide-text" href="#main">Skip to Main Content</a>

<nav role="navigation">
	// Menu

<div id="main" role="main">
	 // Content

Schofield, M. (2014). ARIA for the Spec Impaired.


Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite

<nav role="navigation">
	// Menu



  • Images: alt=""
  • Audio: transcript
  • Video: transcript
  • Video: captions
  • Video: descriptive audio

Descriptive Video Example

Electrox3d. (2011). Star Wars for Blind People (Blu-ray audio track): description of a Jawa shooting R2!.

Top 10 Academic Library Websites

6 / 10 have carousel

5 / 6 autoplay

Singley, E. (2013). Top 10 Academic Library Websites.

Top 20 Public Library Websites

18 / 20 had carousel

17 / 18 autoplay

Anderson, M. (2013). 20 Great Public Library Websites.

Death to the Carousel

Inspired by

Testing and Assessment


Evaluation Tools

Simulation Tools


example heat map of website HD Wallpapers (n.d.) Heat Map HD Wallpaper 3. Believed to be in public domain.

User Testing

  • 5 second test
  • Lab Task Test
  • Guerilla Testing
  • Paid Testing (e.g. VIRN)

Training and Documentation

Guidelines for Content Creators

  1. Be clear and concise
  2. Use headers and tables properly
  3. Use descriptive links
  4. Describe images if needed
  5. Make and choose videos with captions, and add a link if you embed them
alt text decision flow chart Alexander, Dey. (2014). Text alternatives for images: a decision tree.

Accessibility Statement

I’ve learned that what matters [...] is an actionable process — possible to use, adapted to the company’s culture and financially effective.

- Marcin Treder @marcintreder

Treder, M. (2012). Beyond Wireframing: The Real-Life UX Design Process. Smashing Magazine.



Take Away

Until people find themselves in a situation where they are disabled due to their surroundings, they cannot fully appreciate how the built and virtual environments can throw obstacles in their paths – and indeed, profoundly affect their quality of life.

- City of Calgary

City of Calgary. (2010). Universal Design Handbook.



nodoka holding a stack of books