Cynthia Ng
September 7, 2016
Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web.W3C Web Accessibility Initiative. (2005). What is Web Accessibility. Introduction to Web Accessibility. W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Avoid the peanut butter approach.Horton, S. & Quesenbery, W. (2014). A Web for Everyone: Designing Accessible User Experiences. Rosenfeld Media.- Sarah Horton & Whitney Quesenbery
It just won't work to build a complete system and then, in the final stages of development, spread the interface over it like peanut butter.Lewis, C. & Rieman, J. (1994). Task-Centered User Interface Design: A Practical Introduction. Clayton Lewis & John Rieman
an umbrella term that includes [...] devices for people with disabilities [...] by enabling people to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish, or had great difficulty accomplishing, by providing enhancements to, or changing methods of interacting with, the technology needed to accomplish such tasks.Assistive technology. (2016, August 24). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia
All Technology is Assistive Technology.Hendron, S. (2013). All Technology is Assistive Technology: 6 dispositions for designers on disability. Sara Hendren @ablerism
Move away from the approach of building separately for disabled users, and concern yourself with creating clean, beautiful, usable, and accessible websites.Riley-Huff, D. A. (2012). Web Accessibility and Universal Design. Library Technology Reports, 48(7), 29-35.- Debra Riley-Huff
Universal design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.Mace, R. (1998). Universal design in housing. Assistive Technology, 10(1), 21-28.- Ron Mace
It is important for designers to formulate and adhere to usable design processes and guidelines throughout the entire cycle of development so that the product or service is accessible and universally usable for all.Stephanidis, C. (2009). Universal access and design for all in the evolving information society. In C. Stephanidis (ed.), The Universal Access Handbook (1–11). Boca Raton: CRC Press.- Constantine Stephanidis
Mobile forces you to focus and enables you to innovate in ways you previously couldn’t.Wroblewski, L. (2011). Mobile First. New York: A Book Apart.- Luke Wroblewski
Worry about the less capable first.Usobiaga, J. (2013). Slide 37. Mobile First: As difficult as doing things right. Swwweet
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Schofield, M. (2014). ARIA for the Spec Impaired.
Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite
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For more on ARIA, check out the WAI-ARIA Overview
I’ve learned that what matters [...] is an actionable process — possible to use, adapted to the company’s culture and financially effective.Treder, M. (2012). Beyond Wireframing: The Real-Life UX Design Process. Smashing Magazine. Marcin Treder
The goal of universal usability is to enable the widest possible range of users to benefit from information and communication services.Shneiderman, B., & Hochheiser, H. (2001). Universal usability as a stimulus to advanced interface design. Behaviour & Information Technology, 20(5), 367-376. doi:10.1080/01449290110083602- Ben Shneiderman
Until people find themselves in a situation where they are disabled due to their surroundings, they cannot fully appreciate how the built and virtual environments can throw obstacles in their paths – and indeed, profoundly affect their quality of life.City of Calgary. (2010). Universal Design Handbook. City of Calgary
Universal usability is simply good design.Lazar, J. (2007). Universal usability: designing computer interfaces for diverse user populations. Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons.- Jonathan Lazar