About me
- Documentarian
- Blogger
- (Former) Web developer
- Current GitLab handbook "owner"
Answer these questions
- Do you have processes that need to be followed?
- Do you have shared workflows with other teams?
- Do you have information that you frequently share?
- Do you have people from other organizations ask how you do things?
What is a handbook?
A handbook is a type of reference work, or other collection of instructions, that is intended to provide ready reference. - Wikipedia
The handbook is the central repository for how we run the company. - GitLab
What you need
- Buy-in
- Location / Version controlled tool
- Easy (enough) to use
- Reinforcement
- Public by default (separate internal only)
- Start small and iterate
Set expectations to encourage contributions
Encouraging contributions
- Invite collaboration on changes
- Have guidelines on what level of review is required
- Have clear guidelines on internal-only information
- Doesn't need to be perfect, Not "set in stone"
Why a public handbook?
For the same reasons!
Source: Support Driven Slack: #leadership. Used with permission.
when people see the work going on behind the scenes, they value the service more. - Ryan Buell on Operational Transparency
Harvard Business Review, March-April 2019. https://hbr.org/2019/03/operational-transparency
A public handbook
is a way to give back
Other ways to share
- Write publicly
- Make resources public