Getting Things Done: Discovering Efficiencies in Workflow

Cynthia Ng
December 1, 2016

Some Context

Task Analysis

task analysis on a whiteboard using screenshots and handwritten notes Reidsma, M. (2013). Slide 38. Websites are for People. CC BY-NC-SA 3.0


flowchart example
decision flowchart example

Journey Sheet

example completed journey sheet

Questions to Ask

  • Does the order make sense?
  • Which steps are flexible in the order? Conditional upon other steps being completed?
  • Can specific steps be done more efficiently?
  • How many people are involved? Can it be reduced?
  • Is the most suitable person doing each step?
  • Is the process consistent? Consistent with other departments?

The Ideal

example workflow
sticky notes on a whiteboard

Take Away


nodoka holding a stack of books