Write the Accessible Docs

Cynthia Ng

Hunt, D. (2007). Koala sleeping. https://www.flickr.com/photos/undeleterious/2207612388/ CC BY NC ND 2.0

Types of Disabilities

  • visual
  • auditory
  • physical/motor
  • touch
  • learning

Why Should You Care?

Disability > Minority*

* Based on 2010 US census percentage of total population with a disability, and the percentage of total population of minorities.

Assistive Technology

  • screen readers
  • joysticks and other pointers
  • keyboard only
  • touch screens
  • many more...

Colour Contrast:
Considering Colour Blindness




Testing & User Feedback

Take Away

Follow Usability Guidelines

  1. clear
  2. helpful
  3. usable
  4. accessible
  5. easy to understand
  6. designed with people in mind first



nodoka holding a stack of books